“The Exorcist” Series – Season One

I’ve been on a bit of a demonic possession kick lately, and came across The Exorcist TV series on Hulu. Season One is a direct sequel to the groundbreaking 1973 original and references to its predecessor are scattered throughout the early episodes. With good reason – I won’t spoil the Big Reveal, but a few characters from the first movie make a surprise appearance.

The series unabashedly draws inspiration from its predecessor, but stands very well on its own. Just like in the original, a young girl is seemingly possessed by a demon, a family is distraught, and two priests – one a young, charismatic rising star, the other a troubled lurker on the fringe, both with dark secrets of their own – decide to take a stand against ancient evil. We’re in Chicago, just past the turn of the millennium, and satanic hordes are descending on the city, hiding among the innumerable ranks of the homeless. There’s a reason for this infernal invasion: a powerful conspiracy within the Catholic Church (cue The First Omen vibes) aims to assassinate the Pope when he arrives in town for a visit. Our two exorcists have their work cut out for them to save the possessed young woman and foil the lethal plot, all while facing their own demons of the non-supernatural variety. The Big Reveal is delivered fairly awkwardly, but the story quickly picks up the pace, so we’ll give it a pass.

Strong character development, excellent camera work, and an atmosphere of palpable dread combine for a gripping viewing experience. The exorcism scenes, which have become so hackneyed in the onslaught of thematically similar movies as to no longer even register, are expertly crafted to elicit genuine scares and shock. Given its longer runtime, the series has more room to flesh out its principal characters, delving into their moral ambiguity and the darkness of the human condition. Faith, doubt, and the nature of evil all get their turn in the spotlight. It’s not quite Mike Flanagan, but it comes pretty darn close.

Each of the show’s two seasons is a self-contained story, with some recurring characters and themes. Which means I still have Season Two to look forward to. At 10 episodes per season, it should see me at least into next week.

Any recommendations for horror shows/movies on Hulu?

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