“Always Beside You” Now Available for Kindle and in Print

A few days late to my own party, but it’s nevertheless a great pleasure to announce that Always Beside You is now available for Kindle and in print, courtesy of Grinning Skull Press. You can check out the Goodreads page here. The novel will also be available in EPUB format at a later date.

Help her open the door. It wants to come through…

First, the dream. Now this message from the mouth of a stranger. It was too much of a coincidence for Nate Carver, and has him dropping everything to help a woman he hasn’t even thought about in eight years, not since the overdose that almost took Cathy Deveraux’s life.

Getting this one published was a long labor of love, which I outlined in an earlier post. Putting a finished piece out into the world is never easy, but having someone read it, evoking emotions and images in another person’s mind, is a terrific feeling, and the main reason I write. Stephen King likened storytelling to a form of telepathy, and I couldn’t agree more. I hope you enjoy this particular piece of mind-image transfer. If you do (or even if you don’t), please leave a review and/or rating. As usual, I also welcome feedback through this blog.

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